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Offical JakeJ Blog!

12/31/2024 | 11:40pm

This is my last blog entry for the year, for most of yall its already the new year. What i get for being in WA lol.

A lot of good things happened this year, and a lot of bad things too

lets start with the good:

Stopped using that mary jane
made new connections
rebuilt friendships
Listened to a loottt of new music (even listening to new music as you're reading)(ttc)

the bad?

depression still affects me greatly, even after i got better.

I'm not doing great rn, and thats fine, this feeling is going to pass and ill be okay again.


Shout out to my dear and clostest friends:
Sam, Kaleb, Jen, Tef, Scott & Luna you guys are the best, you guys make any bad day into a good one, i love every single one of you for your individual reasons. I hope y'all have a wonderful 2005.

And for everyone else at home, I wish you all a great 2005, i wish you all the best. Love y'all!

- Jake J. B

12/18/2024 | 12:13am

You wouldnt believe it but im employed wooo!!
I've been working for about a month or so now, i got my epic gaming pc (TY JEN FOR BUILDING IT), and now i can become a true gamer....

but, on the other hand
work has drained me so much, i dont have the energy/time to really look out for myself. and in recent times, im not doing so well.

ill likely write more tomorrow, its late and I don't want to dig into myself rn, thanks for reading.

- Jake J. B

9/16/2024 | 11:17pm

Hi It's your host JakeJ, the alien robotic humanoid,

Posting rants from now on so like read if you wanna....


I've been watching this new youtuber (to me) Caddicarus and oh my goodness hes so funny and pretty much exclusively makes long videos about video games, and that;s like my favorite kind of content
not to mention hes a system of a down fan HE WORE A SHIRT IN A VIDEO AND PUT THE MV TO BYOB IN ONE OF HIS VIDEOS AHHHHHHH.....


So about my real life
School has started and it's been pretty awesome, my new animation class rocks and i get to do less schoolwork ^_^

The assignments for my animation class (AC) became a little overwhelming for a second lol, had to learn how to color in photoshop, i have to animate a ball bouncing, and then i have to draw like 4 different drawings of emotions,
But hey, I got it now, I'm all guuud


When I'm writing this and posting it, ITS MY BEST FRIEND KALEBS BIRTHDAY hes so cool guys


THE GRAND FESTIVAL aka like the last major splatfest in splatoon 3 happened and ended, I was on team present bc one the next game would progress normally and two because i love my favorite lesbian couple Pearl and Marina!!!!

Yeah team past won and like UGH not only did we lose, which i could kinda care less for
I'm worried about the new game cuz like, if youre gonna make the next game about the past, its REALLY gonna fuck up the timeline?? I guess we'll have to see what happnens in the next two years or more (oh god ill be actually old by then AHH)

Shout out to best friend Sam for playing with me it was a blast and it was a very very Samtastic time



- Jake J. B

8/21/2024 | 4:02pm


I havent made a blog post in a while
so like

this might be a long one...

What's with the website?

I still have yet to figure out what to really add to this website, yk cuz its kinda boring rn, not much to look at here

If you know me, then just tell me about suggestions :) that would b awesome

Life in general?

School is thankfully starting up soon, I've been pretty bored durring the summer :p

I did get a new xbox so ill be able to play new gen games, looking foward 2 that (and all the money ill spend....)

I am still trying to aquire a job
I really want a job...


That's pretty much it tho, hope to post more soon ^_^

- Jake J. B

6/4/2024 | 9:36am

New blog entry timeeee
It's been like, a while since I did anything with this place, tryna be active on more social media and stuff like that, schools been an ass...bleh.
If you checked the update log, I added a social media link page, which will prove to be useful and such, I'll probs add it to all of my main socials

In all honesty, I'm really tired.

- Jake J. B

5/3/2024 | 1:54am

You see, I was fearing for this day to finally happen, but 9021007 visited jakej.net.....and its code (please PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU DONT LOOK ITS SO MESSY...)

They forced me to actually upload all the gifs here to my website directly...EYEROLLLL!!!!

Ok but in all seriousness thx 4 uh lookin out for the integrity of my site.....


4/14/2024 | 12:05pm

JAKEJ.NET IS FINALLY UP!!!!! AHH I'm so happy this means things are getting real!

Unfortunately I haven't made much progress since last update log, had some issues on my laptop which made it so that the sites wouldn't update. I'm gonna work on some of the pages tonight, so keep an eye out for any changes!

And in other news, I'm working on a game concept with the help of some friends (Kaleb and MilkGalaxy), The game is called OnDeck, a social VR card playing game! I'll have more to say when there's more solid concept art ^_^


3/24/2024 | 9:31pm

Thanks to a friend of mine named Kaleb, I rememberd I needed to update this website XD, also, first blog post? Thats pretty cool, lookin foward to seein how this site will take form
Theres def more HTML I need to learn (or copy and paste) for some aspects of the website, such as the about me page, shits kinda complicated, especially when I never really worked on a big project such as this, time will tell everyone!


You've made it to the begining!!!!

Send me an E-Mail!

JakeJ 2025.